Saturday, October 13, 2012

Whale Watching

Probably every person that has the opportunity to go whale watching in San Felipe has many and different stories of their great adventure. Their's a great little company that takes you out on the water to watch the whales play in the great, big body of water we call the ocean. This little tour boat is called a panga. You actually get trained to go out on the water by yourself if you are trained biologists. Otherwise someone takes you out that is experienced in large bodies of water where big gray whales spy hop. Spy-hopping is when the whale peeks its head out on the surface of the water, like they are saying hello.

Whale watching is very serine. Whales are very gentle and smart mammals. It's a very exciting moment when these big creatures swim so close to the pangas (boats), it's hard to stay calm. To go whale watching in San Felipe it's around $45 per person, but the expense is worth every minute at gazing upon these magnificent mammals. You have a chance to whale watch, do it, it's definitely worth it!

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